I’m coming to the end of my office lease and I’m considering my options about staying or finding a new office. When I even think about starting to look for a new office I want to well…do something else. Anything else. Run a marathon. Skydive. Make a cup of tea. Look at the yoga class timetable online. Check my Instagram feed. Sing live on TV naked.

You know, anything else.

So my desire to move is clouded by my motivation to look for a new office. Like anyone I can be highly motivated to do the stuff I like, but golly gosh, when it comes to the stuff I dislike, my motivation evaporates.

So how do we motivate ourselves to do the stuff we don’t want to do?

I just don’t feel like doing it

You can’t wait until you feel like doing something. Sometimes we never feel like doing a task, but you just have to show up. When I was writing my book or when I had my solo exhibition, I created a routine and just showed up. Sometimes what I produced was crap, but other times it was gold.

Just start

When I’m teaching fibre art workshops and I hear a million excuses about why they can’t dedicate time to their art practice, I get them to write down every reason so they see it in black and white. Then I ask them to spend time questioning it. Is it an excuse or a legitimate reason? How would it make you feel if you had more art in your life? Usually it just boils down to one thing. Just start. Even if it’s for one minute a day. Just start.

Willpower sucks sometimes, so trick yourself

I’ve spent a career on deadline. In PR and running a business I walk into the office and know I have multiple deadlines that day. So when I’m faced with a task I don’t want to do I attempt to trick myself by placing a deadline on it. (Attempt is a key word, as sometimes it doesn’t work as well as I’d like). So plan it out – decide what you’re going to do, and when and where you’re going to do it so there is no umming and ahing.

Ebbs and flow

There are times when it’s OK that you’re not motivated to get to the gym or to get stuff done. I’m not saying create a bunch of excuses to opt out. But there are ebbs and flows in our lives and we should listen and be aware of them.

So I’m going to trick myself into a deadline for looking at offices – even though I have a real deadline! What are you going to do today?

Tweetable: How we can get motivated to do the things we don’t want to do @CatrionaPollard bit.ly/2ioyIFU

I don’t know about you, but at the start of the year my Facebook feed was awash with motivational quotes and images. I had friends starting the new year with a health kick, launching a new product or just super excited about what the year will bring.

And right about now…some of that motivation is starting to fade. It’s really easy to feel energised after a break and then the complexities of life start to impact your goals.

I must say even though I’m usually focused and goal orientated, at times I also have motivation slumps where I just can’t seem to shake off the lethargy to making things happen. Here are some of the things I do to change that.

1. Remind yourself why you wanted it in the first place

What’s your why? What is the deepest reason you set out to achieve your goals or vision? What did you want to feel when you reached it? It’s so important to write that down so you can revisit it when you’re feeling challenged or unmotivated.

2. Maybe you’re ready for a change

Have a think about why you’re unmotivated – it could be for a reason. Maybe something needs to change in your life, or you’ve achieved a goal and need to find the next one. Do some honest self-reflection and think about your abilities, your ideas, and understand you determine where your life leads.

3. Sit with it

On Sunday afternoon, I binged watched the TV show Younger (hilariously funny show on Stan). I didn’t go to Barre with my friend. I didn’t go to yoga. I sat on the couch for hours eating brownies a friend made for me. I mean, you can’t get more unmotivated than that! But I tell you, I felt so energised the next day. I just needed to sit with that feeling, and not fight it.

4. Checklists

Oh I love a checklist. They visually show me what I need to do reach a goal and what exactly needs to be done, and to keep track of the progress that I’m making. Break down your goals into bite-size, manageable chunks and enjoy crossing those items off the checklist.

We all have so much to achieve and we need to keep motivated to kick those goals. Let me know what you do to stay motivated!


: 4 tips to get over your motivation slump and kick your goals @CatrionaPollard bit.ly/2lJAqyr

Women: It's time to step up to the spotlight

Many women – myself included – have the tendency to shy away from the spotlight. Rather than put themselves forward, they would prefer to quietly work in the background and let others be the ones to step forward.

Why? Because it can be scary, overwhelming and downright uncomfortable, to put yourself forward and tell the world, “I’m an expert.”

This is the exact feeling I had a few years ago when I was asked to present to 100 people on how to use PR and social media. For days before had I was unable to sleep and experienced moments of sheer panic and terror. I ended up in tears and wanting to cancel the whole thing. And this wasn’t the first time that I wanted to run away or said no because I was reluctant (or plain terrified) to stand in the spotlight.

But then I had a moment. On the night of the presentation as the room started filling with people, all looking to me to teach them about PR and social media, I had a choice, do I run or do I stay? I walked up the stairs, microphone in hand, willing my hands not to shake. I looked out into the crowd, took a breath and began to speak.

In that moment I realised I deserved to be in the spotlight and I wanted to these people to hear what I had to say as it could really help them and their businesses.

So instead of asking myself, “Who was I to stand in the spotlight?” I asked, “Who am I not to stand in the spotlight? Who am I not to share expert information? Who am I not to have a voice?”

This was the start of my journey from unknown to well-recognised and highly regarded expert and thought leader. I now get asked to present at international conferences, I have received millions of dollars’ worth of media coverage and have an award winning blog, all which helps to fuel my business.

Here’s my advice for anyone who wants to step up and have their time in the spotlight.

Stand in your power

Don’t let those self-limiting beliefs stand your way. You know the ones: Do I know enough? Do I know more than the next person? Am I really an expert? Believe in yourself, your knowledge and your hard-won experience. See yourself truly as an expert and be prepared to tell people that’s what you are.

Explore your motivation

Ask yourself why you want to be considered an expert or thought leader. If your motivation is purely to get sales then your audience will quickly see this and won’t respond positively to you. The biggest thing you need to realise is that promoting yourself isn’t actually about you, it’s about the people you want to influence. To really be seen as an expert you have to share something of value whether this is your IP, time or expertise.

For me, my motivation is to share my knowledge and teach as many people as I can about how to do amazing PR and social media. This goal is what drives my blogs, the articles I write, pitching myself to the media and my presentations at conferences.

Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale

Women are natural relationship builders, it’s our strength. But sometimes this strength can hold us back when it comes to asking for the sale. Many women will see it as being too pushy or abusing the friendship and hold back.

Again, this reluctance is often feed by self-doubt.  But someone who believes in themselves, sees themselves as an expert and understands their own value shouldn’t be afraid to ask for what they want, be it the sale, a promotion or even to ask people to read your latest blog post.

Ask for help

You don’t know what you don’t know, but don’t let this hold you back. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help from others who do know. For instance, don’t let inexperience be your excuse for not putting yourself forward for speaking opportunities. Instead enlist the help of a presentations coach to develop your skills.

Many of us do this every day in our professional roles. We would never dream of designing a website if this wasn’t our core skill, we’d outsource it. Give yourself permission to do the same and seek help from others.

Standing in the spotlight doesn’t have to be a scary experience; it can actually be motivating, enlivening and lots of fun. It can also have a powerful impact on your business, your career and also your personal life.

The truth is, you have knowledge in your particular field that others don’t, and you can capitalise on this by offering your expert knowledge and opinion to others. The more that you accept you are an expert, the more everyone else will accept it to.

Get my BRAND new book and fast track your journey from unknown to a recognised expert and thought leader! From Unknown To Expert: How to use clever PR and social media to become a recognised expert is available at www.unknowntoexpert.com

This article first appeared in Women’s Agenda. View the original article here: How women can go from unknown to expert and own the spotlight.


Catriona Pollard Speaker and Trainer in Social Media