From unknown to expert: How to use clever PR and social media to become a recognised expert

A comprehensive, step-by-step framework that will skyrocket you into the spotlight using the Unknown To Expert 5 Star System

Public relations and social media can be the difference between being a well recognised expert and thought leader in your niche and just wishing you were.

Author and PR and social media expert, Catriona Pollard delivers a comprehensive, step-by-step framework that will skyrocket you into the role of recognised expert and thought leader.

Use the proven Unknown To Expert 5 Star System to:

  • Increase sales
  • Get more paid speaking opportunities
  • Win more referrals
  • Gain more credibility and exposure
  • Enable amazing new opportunities that you never even dreamed of.

This book is perfect for anyone wanting to move from unknown to expert including: entrepreneurs, business owners, managers, CEOs, topic experts, coaches, consultants and anyone wanting to achieve the role of a recognised expert and thought leader in their field.

In this vast and competitive media landscape, anyone who wants to be recognised in their field must take ownership of their expertise. From Unknown to Expert captures 20 years of PR and social media know-how into a practical guide to help people gain more exposure, increase sales and enable new career opportunities

In From Unknown to Expert, Catriona Pollard shares her personal story and the challenges she has faced moving from unknown to expert. From this place of authenticity, she encourages people to take action and have the confidence and skills to be the recognised expert they ought to be. Catriona generously reveals the inside knowledge, tools and tactics acquired over 20 years of helping other people get into the spotlight.

This book is perfect for anyone wanting to move from unknown to expert including: entrepreneurs, business owners, managers, CEOs, topic experts, coaches, consultants and anyone wanting to achieve the role of a recognised expert and thought leader in their field.

Packed full of easy to use templates and examples, From Unknown to Expert shares a framework that will give you the confidence and skills to get you the media coverage and community you deserve.

From Unknown To Expert

Fast track your journey from unknown to a recognised expert and thought leader! Buy Catriona’s book From Unknown To Expert: How to use clever PR and social media to become a recognised expert. Click the Add to cart button below to buy the paperback.

Bonus 32 Action Steps

32 action stepsReceive 32 BONUS Action Steps for free to help you immediately hit the road running on your journey from Unknown to Expert! Download today.



Unknown To Expert 5 Star System

In From Unknown to Expert you’ll get access to Catriona Pollard’s proven Unknown to Expert 5 Star System that will skyrocket you into the spotlight and drive sales.

From Unknow to Expert 5 Star System

From Unknown to Expert delivers a comprehensive, step-by-step framework that will skyrocket you into the spotlight using the proven Unknown to Expert 5 Star System.

This is a 5 Star system Catriona developed over her 20 year career and has been used by thousands of people to become highly paid and sought after experts and thought leaders.

Star 1 is figuring out the why. This is where you explore your motivation about why you want to develop your profile and access your inspiration and goals.

Star 2 is Setting the Stage. This is where I teach you how to develop your Personal brand, and you have a clear idea about who you are, how to express your brand, and who the people are that will help skyrocket your role as an influencer.

Star 3 is Turn on the Spotlight. This is where you really start to shine. You are creating your personal website, starting to build networks around your brand and stepping on stage.

Star 4 is Use the Media to Shine the Light. This is where you’ll see your role as an expert start to take shape. You’ll learn how to use the media to share your expertise and reach the people that will influence your success.

Star 5 is Own the Light. This is where, through social media, you can control and amplify your brand, stories and content. I go into detail about each of the social media platforms.

By the end you will have the strategy and all the tools to be a highly paid and sought after expert and thought leader.

Publicity Acceleration Pack

Real life press releases and media angles that have achieved millions of dollars worth of publicity. So much value for just $47!PAP icon-new

Accelerate your outcome by getting the Publicity Acceleration Pack and gain immediate access to Catriona Pollard’s own personal templates and examples of media pitches, media releases, blog posts, social media calendars and over 5000 media and blogger lists.

These are the very same tools Catriona has personally used to generate massive media coverage for herself and clients over the past 10 years – so you know it works!

And it’s available for you to take and use, model, copy – basically whatever you need, to help you accelerate your journey from Unknown To Expert.

This will definitely make your life infinitely easier… saving you a ton of time and money and getting you the traction you might be craving right now.

Buy the Acceleration Pack at

Your Publicity Acceleration Pack includes:

  • Million Dollar Media Pitch Swipe File Coming up with compelling news angles that gets a journalist so interested they want to write about you is the key to getting amazing publicity. Wish you had access to real media angles that have resulted in millions of dollars worth of publicity? Now you do! Here are 25 REAL life Media Pitches that will rock your world.
  • Million Dollar Media Release Swipe File Want to swipe from the best and get amazing results? Journalists expect you to have a newsworthy angle written in a way they want. Included are 25 REAL Media Releases used to secure over a million dollars in media exposure. They are based on real business scenarios, including a product launch, media invite, new appointment, award win and so much more.
  • From Unknown To Expert Blueprint Just don’t know where to start? I’ve included 11 Essential Templates & Step By Step Guides I wish that I had access to when I was starting out. They will fast track your results and save you from reinventing the wheel. Included are an Article Pitch Template, Blogger Pitch Template, Interview Plans, Social Media Content Calendar, Speaker’s Profile Template and even how to follow up with a journalist, plus so much more.
  • Case Studies Step-by-step REAL life examples of how I used news hooks to get TV and major print coverage.
  • Action Steps Included as a bonus is 32 interactive Action Steps so you can immediately start to gain some traction towards becoming a highly sought after expert.
  • BONUS Video Training on How to Develop Your Personal Brand In this exclusive online training you will learn the strategies and tactics that you must use in order to successfully create and build your personal brand to become an influencer and drive business growth.

That’s so much value for just $47

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Praise for From Unknown To Expert

Thank goodness! PR and Social Media without the Spin! A simple read with a simple message. And this is why this book is as clever as its author, Catriona Pollard. If you’re in the business of building your reach, then you’ll appreciate the tips and step-by-step introduction to building your profile or growing your business’ reach via Facebook and LinkedIn. Pages 130-145 are a must-read. Thanks for making sense in your new book, Catriona.
~ Sarah Beresford ~

A must read book for Small Business Owners. This really opened my eyes to the world of ‘PR’. I love the action steps provided through each chapter as bonus sections of this book and have been following it like a script. I wish Catriona all the best with this book and hope it gets to Best Seller status. Definitely a must read for any small business owner who is trying to understand how to market their business.
~ Megan Iemma (Tech Coach HQ). ~

Could seriously be considered a handbook – there’s so much great info in here! OMG so much great (and relevant) information! So many books tease you with the promise of great information but end up being light on specifics. This book by Catriona Pollard is the total opposite! There is SO much useful information in this book, it could seriously be thought of as a handbook for anyone wanting to figure out how to go from obscurity to being known as a well-respected expert. Not only does she tell you WHAT to do, but she gives you actual examples and step by step checklists showing you HOW to do it. And it covers a bunch of areas from blogging and getting speaking gigs, to how to pitch your story to a journalist, position your personal brand and finally get social media working FOR you (rather than the other way around). Love it!
~ Michelle Falzon ~

Just a quick note to say thank you! I am reading through your documents from the Unknown to Expert pack and it’s fantastic! I’m sitting here studiously sending out my speakers profile and letter. It was so great to use your templates to get the process started this year in 2015. My documents are looking more professional than ever. Great stuff!
~ Suzanne Waldron ~

I am loving Unknown To Expert and I am only 3 chapters in (1/2 way through). My fav chapter so far is figuring out the WHY! It has always been about that for me but I feel like I have had some aha moments with Catriona’s book. I am just getting started to position myself as an expert in my area and I love the tip that was given about exploring your motivation. The message I took for that section was about really knowing who you are, what you stand for and being congruent with your message. Nice one Catriona! The next segment is Setting The Stage… pumped!
~ Crystelle Topatan ~

Chocked full of practical ideas and tips. I finished reading this book this morning. It is an easy read. It is chocked full of ideas, easy to understand steps, and real, practical examples any business owner wanting to implement a PR strategy, could take and implement straight away. What I liked is, it is like a reference guide that you can go back to, and quickly pick up the ideas as and when needed. I can see myself referring back to this book in the future, both for myself and when working with clients. Also, some great ideas on working with the media to get the outcomes you want. A great resource.
~ Alistair Gray ~

Great read on PR and gaining new perspective on this topic. Only read through few chapters of Catriona’s book so far and love her style of writing as it seems like having a conversation with her in person! Great to learn how PR fits into many aspects of business and ways to continuously improve in it.
~ Nicole ~

From an Expert in making Experts. A simple process, with a great message from an author with a deep understanding of the value of PR and branding. Catriona Pollard makes the journey from Unknown to Expert as simple as it can be, and also acknowledges that it requires hard work and commitment. Ms Pollard brings a strong ethical philosophy, and instills confidence in readers that this process is possible and profitable.
~ Lisa Harvey ~

Grab the spotlight What a great find, all the insider tips and tricks you need to make the spotlight shine on you! Very pleased I bought and read this book!
~ Geoff Grist ~

Gold. You can dip in and out of the book picking up nuggets of information along the way
~ Heather Smith ~

Easy to implement. Easy to understand, simple to implement. This step by step guide is a valuable resource for business people wanting to become a recognized expert in their field.
~ Doreen Schwegler ~

This is essential reading for anyone who is serious about becoming a recognised expert in their field! “From Unknown to Expert” is one of those books that you just have to read if you have serious aspirations to be a thought leader and expert in your niche. The thing I love about this book is Catriona delivers a comprehensive plan that takes you step-by-step through every aspect of building your online profile using PR and social media, so you can start to get amazing media coverage and exposure for your business and your brand.

Her 5 Star System is a great way to track how you’re going in your development from a relative unknown to recognised expert. I also downloaded the free 32 actions steps from her website and was able to work through them as I was reading the book. This is a really cool feature, because I felt I was able to take positive action on my business as I finished each chapter. If you want her accompanying swipe files of media contact lists as well as media release templates and a whole bunch of other great info, they are also available to purchase as a companion to the book through her website.

I’m really enjoying the book! It’s an easy read and I’m learning lots. Thanks
~ Davina Park ~

Catriona – my book arrived last week and I am honestly blown away by its content, I really can see that this will be my well thumbed bible for many years to come! Congratulations on producing the most useful book in my business library!
~ Carolyn Dean ~

Positive and empowering language. A simply written book with positive and empowering language on how to go from unknown to expert. As a small business owner trying to raise my profile online, this book has proved invaluable in deciding where to start which is always the most difficult point! I feel like I have my own publicist. A must read for anyone who’s trying to get PR for their business and position themselves as an expert!
~Rashida Tayabali ~

Even Introverts Can Step Into the Spotlight – Catriona shows us how! When I heard that Catriona Pollard had written this book, I had to buy it! Catriona has steadily and consistently built her reputation in Australia and I had to find out how. As a fellow introvert, I loved how she gave her steps to overcoming the fear of speaking in public and of ‘stepping into the spotlight’ Her down to earth advice, coupled with her mindset tips make this book even more valuable. The 5 step system is easy to understand and I love that she gives action tips – after all, nothing will change unless action happens! No matter how small your business is or how ‘unknown’ you feel you are, this book will help guide you!
~ Kylie Saunder ~

Let your own star shine! Catriona shows you how. Catriona harnesses her extensive PR and social media knowledge to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide that helps you strategically build your personal brand and profile. Packed with loads of invaluable tips and tools, this book is a must have reference. Let your star shine.
~ Anne Sorensen ~

Take Yourself from Zero to Hero in No Time. Catriona draws on years of experience in the PR industry to share the tricks the experts used to catapult themselves to expert status. From Unknown to Expert generously shares the templates, pointers and invaluable advice on PR and social media that entrepreneurs and thought leaders need to position themselves as an expert.
~ Johanna Baker-Dowdell ~

I love it – it’s so easy to read and breaks down the key steps for establishing expertise in any industry. I’m already implementing the great ideas and looking forward to even more growth in my business as a result. Thanks again.
~ Nikola Ellis ~

A must have in your business bookcase. Having followed Catriona for some time, I was excited to see that she had published a to-do book based on her path. I wasn’t disappointed! Full of information & helpful tips this book is a blueprint for anyone just starting out on the path of social media. I thoroughly recommend it, and Catriona!
~ Judi Reid ~

A must read for anyone looking to position themselves as an expert and thought leader in their field. Catriona provides exceptional value and lots of practical tips that will help you establish and develop your personal brand and most of all achieve outstanding results. Congratulations on such a fabulous book Catriona. I highly recommend it.
~ Debra Sinclair ~

Those who can do and thank goodness she’s told us how we can too! Catriona walks her talk. I have personally witnessed Catriona becoming an expert this during the past couple of years. It shows not just the power of intention followed by action but that this system works. Catriona knows PR and embodies it.
~ Eilish Bouchier ~

Practical information – ready to implement now I loved this book. I’ve been following Catriona’s blog for a few years, and it’s brilliant to have all her wisdom condensed in to a book. I’ve been sharing lots of tips with my husband that he can implement in his business, and even he has commented on how practical it is.
~Alison Clinchon~

This is such a valuable book that’s jam packed with everything you need to know to become a leading voice in your field. Each chapter builds on the previous one with Action Steps that help you to consolidate what you’ve just read. It’s practical, powerful and written from experience. A must read for every business owner
~ Chrissy Crust ~

A business handbook that is sure to bring ‘real’ results: I competed a one day workshop with Catriona a few years ago which was fantastic and helped me get PR exposure in some great Australian newspapers. So I was excited to see she had released a book because this is a topic you need to keep revisiting and thinking about – its not a one-off activity. Reading the book has been like being able to pick Catriona’s brain and benefit from her wealth of expertise and insight. Such a practical, focused book that is going to be my go-to staple for a long time. Highly recommended.
~ Leanne Anderson ~

A first class step by step guide to becoming an …A first class step by step guide to becoming an expert in PR. The steps and strategies are very clearly set out and reinforced with practical examples and relevant tips. It clearly demonstrates the author’s claim to be an ‘expert’ and provides all readers with the opportunity to do so as well. Truly empowering.
~ Margaret Carey ~

I’m so glad I did because I have learnt so much from ...I heard Catriona speak at a workshop and decided to buy the book based on her presentation. I’m so glad I did because I have learnt so much from not only her book but also from the free resources available on the website. There was so much value there that I also bought her course! I can highly recommend this book for anyone trying to learn how to stand out in their field.
~ Erice Anderson ~

Direct, clear and to the point – From Unknown to Expert is must have for any entrepreneur’s library, There are lots of business books out there that tell you ABOUT doing something.But From Unknown to Expert is not one of those books. It’s way better because it tells you exactly HOW to achieve success. Catriona’s experiences, good and bad, come together to provide insight and direction in establishing your credibility as an expert.Each chapter solves specific problems with simple advice. There’s no jargon and the reader is treated with respect. I was lucky enough to receive a copy from Catriona but I’m buying a Kindle copy so I can have the book with me all the time.
~ Anthony Caruana ~

Good Job Catriona. This book was just exactly what I needed to read at this point in time. For anyone in business who doesn’t get social media – it is a perfect intro and covers all bases. It’s also great for women lacking the confidence to call themselves an “expert”. I’m not sure I still feel OK calling myself an expert, even after reading the book, but the book certainly gave me a big push in the right direction.
~ Janine ~

A book you’ll refer to again and again. Easy to read and packed with practical ideas on how to grow your expert status. You probably won’t be able to apply everything straight away and it doesn’t matter – the book is so well organised that it’s easy to go back to the part you need at any time.
~ Tat ~

Raise your profile and shine: I found ‘From Unknown to Expert’ a straightforward, useful and warm guide to building profile and sharing expertise. Three things stood out for me: Catriona’s generosity in sharing her considerable PR experience, the practical steps that you can genuinely implement yourself, and the integrity – because Catriona has walked this path herself. I’m very glad I read it.
~ Ursula Hogben ~

Fast track your journey from unknown to a recognised expert and thought leader! Buy Catriona’s book From Unknown To Expert: How to use clever PR and social media to become a recognised expert. Accelerate your personal brand with the Unknown To Expert Acceleration Pack, packed with media lists, blogger lists, blog posts and media releases formats which have generated millions of dollars in coverage, more than 73 templates and so much more.

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Catriona Pollard Speaker and Trainer in Social Media