EDM In gratitude

Recently I received a beautiful bunch of flowers. I opened the card and it read:

I’m reading your book and noticed that on Sunday it will be the anniversary of when you first stepped into the spotlight on stage. Congratulations. You’re an inspiration.

I was stunned. It was incredibly thoughtful and such a profoundly moving gesture.

But do you know what? I didn’t even realise that Sunday was a milestone. It took a reader of my book to point that out.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t celebrate my achievements. I seem to go from one goal to the next.

For many of us, we get so caught up in the day-to-day of building a business or career that we don’t stop and celebrate our milestones and achievements.

I’m sure you know this feeling: when we are working really hard and so focused on the task, we often forget what we are achieving is incredible. We all do this, whether it’s training to climb a mountain, renovating an apartment or achieving a career goal.

I even did this with the From Unknown To Expert book launch. I organised the launch kicking and screaming – resisting celebrating the achievement. Right up until the night I was saying things like, “I don’t know why I agreed to have a launch” and “No one’s going to turn up”.

But do you know what happened? Just thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes.

I had the most incredibly beautiful people turn up. They all knew that it had been incredibly tough to make Unknown To Expert happen, and they wanted to support and celebrate with me.

So thanks to the lovely person who sent me flowers on Friday, he reminded me that I need to celebrate milestones.

So I have written out as many milestones as I can remember and added them to my diary. Now, even if I don’t have a party to celebrate, I will stop and acknowledge what I have achieved.

It’s time to acknowledge your achievements even if you don’t think they are huge or life changing. They all have a level of significance to your life.

It’s so important to celebrate your milestones and achievements and even more important to share them with the people who love and support you.

What milestones do you have coming up that you should celebrate? Write them out and add them to your diary. And let people know about them, so they can celebrate your amazing life with you.


Catriona Pollard Speaker and Trainer in Social Media